Girls all over the world have secret code words for their periods! Learn what phrases are used to talk about menstruation in other countries, and remember: puberty is totally normal, everywhere.
- Brazil: “I’m on my days.” (Naqueles días.)
- China: “Big aunt is visiting!” (大姨妈来访.)
- France: "Thinga-ma-jig." (Les machins.)
- Germany: “I have my days.” (Ich hab meine Tage.)
- India: “Chums.”
- Japan: “Little strawberry.”(いちごちゃん.)
- Mexico: “Andres has arrived.” (Llegó Andres.)
- Russia: “Little Red Riding Hood is coming.”(Красная шапочка.)
- United Kingdom: “Riding the crimson wave.”
- United States of America: “Aunt Flo is visiting.”
What code words and phrases do you use when talking about your periods?